The fruitful pitch


Pitch time… and Fruit Rescue was born.


As part of Leadership Great South Coast Community Leadership program, participants take on a project which forms a crucial part of their learning. It builds skills in project management and collaboration, and delivers on an identified community need.

The project ideas are pitched to the group, and then voted on to see which has the most interest and where there might be room for growth and development.

Courtney had heard about a project in Ballarat, The Hidden Orchard, which filled a need in community and could be replicated in our region.

Ellen Burns generously met up to explain how it all started, shared a wealth of resources and provide some advice around the challenging aspects so that was in mind for the proposal to the LGSC participants.

Fruit Rescue captured hearts for it’s triple benefit - to health, community and the enviornment.

The work began…


A rose by any other name